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Design a Campaign

Debrief and Discussion

(~55 Minutes)

Lesson Framing & Purpose:

This discussion should focus on intern perceptions of the issue, why it is controversial in the state, and how they may apply their understanding as a citizen outside of the simulation. This discussion should also focus on what they have learned in their role as PurpleState interns.

  • Interns will be able to reflect on their work with the project as well as what they have learned throughout the process.
  • Interns will extend the conversation beyond the simulation to think about the role of political media in their own lives.

Teacher only resources

Reflective Questions:
  • Based on your experience in this simulation, what do you think about the political system and the role of interest groups in influencing political views?
  • Could you imagine an alternative system that may be more effective in informing people while also reducing political polarization? What might a system like that look like?
  • Has participating in this simulation influenced the way you see politics and how you might act in the future in relation to political issues? If so, how?
  • How has your role as an intern impacted how you view this particular policy issue? Or how others view the issue?

Learning Activities:

Discussion (~40 Minutes)

  • Lead a discussion with the full group about the simulation and the role of political media in their own lives.
  • Use the Reflective Questions above as well as the PurpleState Structure Infographic to spark conversation among the teams.
  • Teams may get ideas from each other that they could use in their final proposal.

Implementation Tips
  • This is an opportunity to let students’ experiences drive the discussion. The hope is that this simulation activity also meets the standards and learning objectives that you have for the class, so this is also a chance to reinforce those targets.

iconExtension Activity: Become an Engaged Citizen

Have students think about what political issues motivate them and how they would take action to pursue the policy outcomes they support. Use the skills developed in PurpleState to research the issue and understand it from different regional and political perspectives. Get in touch with an elected representative or political group, write a letter to an editor, or create a social media campaign.